Ex-president Bujar Nishani, literature researchers, authors, colleagues and high representative of local government were present during the promotion of the...
Founder and director of “Mat Dental” clinic, professor Sali Kurti
Dr. Sali Kurti is one of the most well-known doctors in Albania with 45-year experience in the field of dentistry. During his career as a physician and dental director he has known many achievements and has been honored with the titles: “Great Master” by the highest Institution in the country, namely, the Presidency of the Republic of Albania, as well as with the title “Honorary Citizen ” from the municipality of Burrel.
He was born in the village of Karica in the district of Mati and it was there where he took his first lessons. Eager for knowledge, he migrated to Burrel, Ulysses and Komsi. Among many sacrifices he finished primary school. Then he went to university at the Medical Polytechnic in Tirana, where for 4 consecutive years studied in the dentistry profile, earning a “dentist assistant” diploma.
Afterwards he attended high studies at the University of Tirana, at the Department of Dentistry, from where Dr. Sali graduated with very good results.In 1979, Dr. Sali Kurti completed his postgraduate studies, earning the title “Specialist in Prosthesis”.
In all study cycles he was noted as a brilliant pupil and student. The fundamentals of his studies helped him build a very competent and responsible doctor profile.The success of his work as a physician has been evaluated not only by endless citizens, who have been his patients for decades, but also by the highest state instances. Since 1981 he has been decorated by the People’s Assembly for good service to people (the stimulus that was rarely given at that time).
In 1982 he was appointed director of the Dental Service of Mat district. He held that position until 1993. By that time the dental service was privatized. Mat Dental clinic was launched at this time. It all started only with one chair, but thanks to Professor Sali’s professionalism, he expanded it into 5 dental service chairs, surgery rooms and dental labs, taking the form of a polyclinic with all services in one place.
In 2007, the Municipality of Burrel praised Dr. Sali, honoring him with the title “Honorary Citizen” with the cause ” good service to people” in the district of Mat and beyond. Whereas in May 2017, the President of the Republic, Bujar Nishani, awarded him with the title “Great Master”, a very rare evaluation in this area, as there are few dentists who carry such honor.
He has been working as a part-time lecturer for several years at Aldent University, Tirana. He taught professional practice to second year students in the Department of Dentistry.
Since 2010, he holds the position of Vice-President in the Union of Dentists of Albania. He has participated in conferences of national and international character.
Media coverage:
![Appraisal for the dentist Sali Kurti Appraisal for the dentist Sali Kurti](https://matdental.al/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/DSC_1044-580x325.jpg)
Appraisal for the dentist Sali Kurti
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A good man like Sali Kurti
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